Hi there!
This is a little bit about who I am and what I do.
I love art and any thing that is remotely creative and means I can just play! Why do we have to stop playing?
I also love bringing people together in this often disconnected world and over the last 6 years I have witnessed how 'creating' and 'making' really can make a difference.
If you are interested in finding out more click here or want to check out what's fun stuff has been going on .
My Story
For years I juggled working as an Executive Assistant in high level, high pressured corporate environments such as Investment Banking, Finance and Insurance. I used my creative thinking to find alternative solutions to problems and was often considered quirky but it meant I was successful at my job.... but did I enjoy it? No, it certainly didn't feed the soul...but then we all use the same lines ' we have to pay the bills' etc etc..' so I started thinking how can I pay the bills and feed the soul .. there must be another way? surely?
Then, I was given the gift of 'Redundancy' and this is when I realised I could potentially apply all the planning, research and ideas into 'MY' business, my vision, where I might be able to make a difference to others.
Many laughed at my idea but the more I researched I realised adults wanted to Play, be creative, have fun but didn't know where to start, or didn't have the time or space.
In January 2017 I founded 'Charmin Art, Craft and Fun Stuff' art sessions for Adults and it is from this that everything else grew. It started around my kitchen table and within 1 month I had 160 following my MEET UP group and the numbers continued to grow - I realised grown-ups like being kids and wanted to ' create' and be part of ' something' with other like-minded people.
So, my overactive imagination was coming into its own and after creating a business plan, working out budgets I took the leap into freelancing.
Fast forward.....to 2020/ 2021...The Pandemic hit us all. I witnessed first-hand the massive positive impact art was making on my clients and their need to create whilst connecting with others during times of isolation and anxiety. The sessions moved online and whilst still ' playful' became heavily focused on health and wellbeing.
I have become passionate about the importance of Creative Play to both our learning and health, which has led to opportunities such as creating inclusive short courses for Arts University Bournemouth and being invited to collaborate with Southampton Art Gallery for a new 'Art club for Adults' starting in 2022.
The idea of Creative Play is no longer just for young children it’s for all of us, and this is how I approach my teaching believing ' art is for all'.
​ The name may have changed but the ethos remains the same.